Fees, invoicing, statutory information, etc.
We determine our fees on the basis of time spent (minimum fraction 10 min.) and flat hourly rates of DKK 2,400 (before VAT) (effective as of January 1, 2022), and otherwise considering the client’s interest in the case, the value of our services, the responsibility inherent in the case, its complexity, the level of required specialist knowledge and the results achieved.
Costs related to the case and expenditures incurred, inclusive of court or other fees, and reasonable travel and lodging expenses are reimbursed by the client in addition to our fees.
At the time of commencement of a case, we will upon client’s request inform about the fee amount (fixed fee), if possible. If a fixed fee cannot reasonably be determined at that stage, we will upon request submit an estimate. In consumer or private matters we will on our initiative inform about the fee, or, if applicable, the estimated fee, before we begin.
Fees are invoiced in arrears on a quarterly basis, and otherwise at the end of services. Particular arrangements may be agreed upon. As a general rule, we will require a retainer from new clients.
Payment conditions are net 14 days from invoice date.
If and to the extent the law firm receives real prepayments or deposits for costs, such payments are deemed clients’ deposited funds which shall be places on a clients’ account where interest (negative and positive) usually are attributed to the client. Balances on clients’ account are covered by the general cap of up to EUR 100,009 (approx. DKK 750,000) which is prescribed in the Danish Act on Deposit Guarantee for events of insolvency of the Bank at which the accounts are held. The cap applies to the cumulative deposit in the bank even if the funds are booked on different accounts, including client’s deposited funds’ accounts or own accounts. Special rules apply for deposits made pertaining to real estate property if the real estate property has been used or is purported to be used for non-commercial purposes. In such cases, the cap is EUR 10 Mio. (approx. DKK 75 Mio.) until 12 months after the depsoit was made and irrespective of thereof if the deposit is held on a separate account. More information may be found on the webpage of the Deposit Guarantee Fund’s homepage www.gii.dk. The law firm assumes no liability for the client’s losses in the event of insolvency of the bank at which the bank accounts for the clients’ deposited funds are held.
The law firm Kjellegaard Jensen has the clients’ deposited funds held on bank accounts at Nordea Bank.
We are a member of the industry association Danske Advokater and the law firm’s lawyer is certified by the Ministry of Justice of Denmark and a member of the Danish Bar Association. The lawyer at the law firm Kjellegaard Jensen is subject to the supervision and disciplinary system, and the rules on lawyers’ ethical behaviour, cf. Section 126 of the Danish Civil Procedure Act. In addition, the Danish Bar’s own rules apply. The rules applying in particular for lawyers may be found on the webpage of the Danish Bar Association, www.advokatsamfundet.dk.
The Law Firm’s business registration No. is 28 19 64 74 and is a business entreprise owned by attorney-at-law Nils Kjellegaard Jensen.
For the Danish lawyer, liability insurance and guarantee for deposited clients’ funds have been taken out with:
HDI Global Specialty Danmark, Indiakaj 6, 1., DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, CVR-Nr. 41268638, E-Mail: info-dk@hdi-specialty.com, HDI Global Specialty Danmark, Danish branch of HDI Global Specialty SE, Germany, Roderbruchstrasse 26, 30655 Hannover, Germany (Policy-No. 156-08657784-14006).
The professional liability insurance covers our business as lawyer where ever it is practised.
In addition, the law firm makes a guarantee for all clients’ deposited funds available in accordance with the rules set out in the statutes of the Danish Bar Association. The maximum coverage under the professional liability insurance is DKK 11.5 Mio per lawyer per year. The liability of the law firm is limited to this amount.
In no event, the liability of the law firm shall include consequential or indirect losses, such as but not limited to loss of operations, loss of data, loss of profits, goodwill etc. or other types of indirect or consequential damages.
As a law firm the law firm Kjellegaard Jensen is subject to the rules and regulations in the Anti-Money-Laundering Act (AML-Act).
If a case/matter falls within the sphere of application of the AML-Act, the law firm as lawyer is obliged to send this piece of information and to retrieve and store personal ID-data on the client, cf. Section 16 in the AML-Act. If the law firm becomes suspicious that the client is engaging in money-laundering or financing of terrorism, the lawyer is obliged to report to the Danish General Prosecutor Office for special economic crimes (in short SØIK) about the activities and to send the ID information on the client to the SØIK. The lawyer is not permitted to share with the client information whether such reporting has taken place.
On the webpage of the Danish Bar Association, information about complaints may be found. In the event of a dispute about the fees or dissatisfaction with the conduct of the lawyer Nils Kjellegaard Jensen, complaints may be submitted to Danish Bar Association, Kronprinsessegade 28, DK-1306 Copenhagen K, or via e-mail: klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk. More information is available at www.advokatnaevnet.dk.
The law firm does not use clauses on choice of law or venue, unless this is explicitly agreed with a client.
Contact us: nils@nkj-legal.com