
Business Guides

The law firm has drawn up the following practical guides on the Danish and Latvian business law environment for German speaking clients and for English speaking clients respectively.

“Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für Geschäftstätigkeit in Dänemark“ (Download)

„Guide to Latvian Business law“ (Download)

Other publications, books, articles

  • Audit and Accounting Magazine (R&R) No. 3, 2004 (article on new Danish rules on interim dividends)
  • Corporate Handbook – return of capital from corporations (the professional’s handbook on all forms of capital returns by corporations (incl. updated and systematic analysis of the rules on self-finance in connection with share purchases, buy-outs etc.) (Nyt Juridisk Forlag, 2005, 2nd edition is expected in January 2010)
  • International Asset Transfer – An overview of the main jurisdictions, A practioner’s handbook, De Gruyter Verlag, Berlin 2010 (Danish contribution)

Recent lectures, seminars

  • Lecture in DNJV in Bratislava (October 2005) on trends and news in Danish company law
  • Seminar in Civiløkonomerne (danish Association of University and Business School Graduates) on succession and management buy-in
  • Lecture in DNJV in Koblenz (May 2008) on application in Denmark of the EU-Regulation on jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters

If you are interested, we would be glad to give a lecture on a relevant legal matter, with which we have knowledge and experience. Without any obligations. Please contact Nils Kjellegaard Jensen or phone +45 36 94 41 13.

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